Investment Themes

Euro Credit Total Return strategy

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Flexible investing across euro credit universe

Currently, many areas within the fixed income market are offering more attractive yields than we have experienced in recent years.

However, today’s economic landscape has created challenges for investors to navigate the financial markets: the ongoing uncertainties surrounding the European economies and monetary policy outlook have driven market volatility over the past quarters.

Investing in a flexible approach that aims to adapt to changing market environments may help investors to seize opportunities while mitigating against market volatility.

Why Invest?

Investing in Euro Credit Total Return strategy may be of interest to investors who are:
  1. Looking for a conviction-led approach targeting long term outcomes
  2. Seeking flexible duration management that aims to adapt to different market environments
  3. Would like access to opportunities from across the full euro credit universe while seeking an attractive risk/reward ratio.

How to take a flexible approach to investing across the euro credit market

Flexible allocation

Allows for an unconstrained approach designed to accommodate challenging market environments

Flexible duration

Implements a flexible duration risk management & beta management.

Conviction and long term

Offers a high conviction positioning concentrating on sectors and issuers with the best return potential.

When you’re navigating any challenging market environment, we believe the best approach is to remain active and flexible.
Benoit de Laval Senior Portfolio Manager - AXA IM Core

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