Robotech Stories: Identify opportunities with surgical precision

Companies and investors alike are gaining an appreciation of the increasingly sophisticated and scalable solutions offered by robotics, particularly within distribution and manufacture. Yet, the benefits of accelerating developments within the wider robotech universe are also penetrating exciting new sectors, such as healthcare. This is not a new concept; the first robotic surgical operation on a human took place in 1985, when the Programmable Universal Machine for Assembly 200, or PUMA, performed a neurosurgical biopsy, and was rapidly adapted for orthopaedic functions1 . Development of surgical robotics continued into the 1990s and beyond, as the potential for robots to not only perform operations, but to do so better, and with more precision, than a human counterpart began to materialise. This potential expanded further as the ability to control surgical robots remotely emerged with the development of robotic arms, capable of both carrying out surgery, and operating as assistants to human surgeons.

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