Lionel Pernias

Head of Buy and Maintain, London

Responsible investment has always been about the long term. Fixed income investors need to ensure a business can be part of a resilient strategy for the next 20 years.

Lionel leads our Fixed Income Investment Solutions team, where he manages Buy & Maintain, CDI and LDI portfolios on behalf of third-party client’s across Continental Europe/ Asia & the UK.

Prior to this, Lionel headed our London-based Buy and Maintain Credit team, being responsible for the performance of all UK client portfolios. Lionel retains his responsibility in the management of AXA IM’s flagship Buy and Maintain pooled fund, the AXA Sterling Buy and Maintain Credit Fund, along with several sterling and global client portfolios.

Lionel was a key member of the project team which developed and launched the flagship Buy and Maintain Credit strategy in 2012. He initially joined AXA IM in 2006 as a member of the UK Fixed Income team in London, primarily managing insurance portfolios.

Lionel holds a Master’s in Financial Markets from the SKEMA Business School.

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