Investment Institute

Social investing amid runaway inflation

Post-pandemic, against a backdrop of rising inflation, the ‘S’ of environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing is attracting ever-greater levels of scrutiny.

Investors want to know how their money can be directed towards positive social outcomes; and there are opportunities for investors to potentially help address social inequalities via dedicated impact investment strategies.

AXA Investment Managers experts examine how governments are tackling the rising cost of living and look at how integrating social factors can potentially build more sustainable long-term investment portfolios.

The Macro and CIO View

AXA IM’s Head of Macroeconomic Research, David Page, and AXA IM Chief Investment Officer, Core Investments, Chris Iggo respectively analyse how policymakers are tackling inflation and how ‘social’ investing can potentially help deliver a more equal society and more sustainable long-term investment returns.

How ‘Social’ investing can provide potential opportunities for investors

Experts from across AXA IM discuss why Social could be a potential driver of long-term returns.

Investment Institute

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Dr. Ana Queiros
Sound Progress Podcast

Sea Change. Do our oceans and coastlines hold the key to combat climate change?

71% of the earth's surface is covered by water and of this, 96% is in our oceans. It's this natural capital that makes human life possible. But could our oceans also hold the key to fighting climate change? And how can we, as investors, protect against biodiversity loss by investing in both public and private markets?

Our host, Herschel Pant, speaks to Dr. Ana Queiros, Senior Benthic Ecologist at Plymouth Marine Laboratory and winner of the 2022 AXA IM Research Award, and Adam Gibbon, Natural Capital Lead at AXA IM Alts as well as Chris Iggo, Chair of the AXA IM Investment Institute and CIO of AXA IM Core.

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