Investment Institute

Feeding the world and protecting the planet: A biodiversity and climate challenge for investors

Key points: 

  • The global food industry is responsible for about 30% of the world’s total greenhouse gas emissions and occupies a third of the Earth’s total land surface. Its intensification presents challenges in terms of environmental risks, while its transition to more nature-positive business models presents an opportunity for investors willing to contribute to sustainable economies.
  • The climate and biodiversity challenges of the food sector are global. To properly identify and tackle these issues, investors should adopt a holistic value-chain approach, to spot problems and transformation opportunities at each step, from food production to distribution and consumption.
  • The global food industry is deeply complex and faces multiple environmental challenges. This means investors will need to use active engagement strategies, and targeted problem/solution analysis for each type of activity within the food value chain, to successfully encourage a sustainable food transition.
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