Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation (SFDR)


The European Union has launched an ambitious Sustainable Action Plan in order to support the delivery of the objectives of the European Green Deal. They will do this by channelling private investment into the transition to a climate-neutral, climate-resilient, resource-efficient and just economy.

As part of this action plan, the Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (SFDR), which sets out sustainability-related disclosure requirements for the financial services sector, was enacted in November 2019, and applicable from 10 March 2021. It aims at improving sustainability-related disclosures and comparability of the disclosures for end-investors, and to reduce the occurrence of greenwashing.

Responsible investment policy

For more detailed information on AXA IM ESG methodologies, policies and data sources, please refer to our Responsible Investment Policy.

Remuneration Policy

For information on how AXA IM remuneration policy is consistent with the integration of sustainability risks (article 5 of SFDR), please refer to AXA IM page on Remuneration.

European ESG Template

The European ESG Template, or EET, is the investment industry’s effort to deliver a common process for presenting environmental, social and governance metrics for use with end-clients.

List of SFDR funds

As part of the application of Article 29 of the French Energy and Climate Law, asset managers must publish on their website the list of financial products that are subject to the SFDR regulation.

Glossary MIF ESG

Starting August 2022, clients will express their preference in terms of sustainability investment. Read this document if you want to understand those sustainability criteria.
Responsible Investing

Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation

Five key questions answered about the EU's new SFDR sustainability rules.

Learn more


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